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Staff requirements for steel structure grid

In the construction process of the steel structure, the safety problem is the most important issue and cannot be ignored. The following steel structure grid manufacturer will introduce the construction…

Pay attention to the steel grid project

Steel structure grid project safety * first-. For all construction projects, construction safety is very important. Especially for the steel grid project, the construction safety can not be ignored.In …

Fire protection measures for steel structure

Steel has the advantages of high strength and good ductility, which determines that the steel structure has the characteristics of light weight, good seismic performance, and large bearing capacity. At…

Detailed steps for steel structure installation

1. Preparation for steel structure installation(One). Ready to work1. Construction organization design The construction organization design of the steel structure installation should briefly describe t…

Embedded bolt technology in steel structure construction

As a load-bearing structural system, steel structure has many advantages such as light weight, high strength, good plastic toughness, excellent seismic performance, high degree of industrial assembly, …

Reinforcement methods and construction points of different building structures

1. Reinforcement of foundation structureThe foundation structure reinforcement is mainly to strengthen the foundation bearing capacity of the building. The main methods are:1. Lift the wall beam method…

Often floating in the construction site, 40 need to prepare common sense!

1. What is three violations?Violation of command, violation of operation, violation of labor discipline.2. What is the principle of four harmless?Answer: No harm to yourself, no harm to others, no ha…

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