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Staff requirements for steel structure grid
Release time:2020-04-03 10:30:20      The number of clicks:367

In the construction process of the steel structure, the safety problem is the most important issue and cannot be ignored. The following steel structure grid manufacturer will introduce the construction * problems that the staff should pay attention to:

1 According to the relevant labor laws and regulations of the state, all kinds of operators must be trained and educated, especially for special types of work.

2. There must be safety channels on the production site. When entering the site, whether it is an operator or a production manager, they should wear labor protection equipment and observe and check the surrounding environment.

3. The spacing of equipment layout should meet the specified requirements. For safe production, a certain distance should be left between the processing equipment as a working platform and for stacking materials and workpieces.

4. The operator must strictly abide by the operating regulations of each position to avoid harming himself and harming others, and should make corresponding signs, signals, warnings, etc. to the hazards to avoid unintentional damage to the personnel on the site.

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