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Often floating in the construction site, 40 need to prepare common sense!
Release time:2020-04-03 09:57:59      The number of clicks:335

1. What is three violations?

Violation of command, violation of operation, violation of labor discipline.

2. What is the principle of four harmless?

Answer: No harm to yourself, no harm to others, no harm to others, protect others from harm.

3. What is the principle of four not let go?

Answer: The cause of the accident has not been identified and not overlooked, the person responsible for the accident has not been dealt with seriously, and the person responsible for the accident and the person who should be educated has not been left uneducated, and the preventive measures have not been implemented.

4. The degree of accident injury is divided into: minor injury, severe injury, and death.

5. What is a minor injury?

Answer: Mild injuries refer to injuries to the limbs of employees, or some functional or organic injuries to certain organs *, which are manifested as mild or temporary loss of work ability. Generally refers to injured workers who have been off work for more than one working day, but cannot reach the seriously injured.

6. What is a serious injury?

Answer: Severe injuries refer to serious injuries to the limbs of employees, norms, hearing, etc., which can generally cause long-term dysfunction of the human body or serious loss of work ability. The loss of severe injuries exceeds 105 working days.

7. What is a liability accident?

Answer: Refers to the accident caused by the fault of the relevant personnel.

8. What is a non-responsible accident?

Answer: Refers to accidents that caused irresistible accidents due to factors in the natural world, or unexpected accidents that occurred due to the current scientific and technological conditions.

9. The core of various security production systems is the security production responsibility system.

10. An * inspection is an important part of finding and eliminating * anxious * factors.

11. The state of uneasiness * refers to the material conditions that caused the accident. Disturbance * behavior refers to human error that can cause an accident.

12. What is the task of enterprise safety and production education?

It is an effort to improve the safety and quality of the workforce, increase the awareness of the employees on the importance of safety and production, enhance the sense of responsibility for safety and production, improve the consciousness of the employees to comply with regulations and labor disciplines, and enhance the legal concept of safety and production. Improve the safety and technical knowledge of employees and master the safety and technical requirements to deal with accidents.

13. What is the content of the safety education of the team?

Understand the tasks and functions, production characteristics, production equipment and safety devices of the job; understand the safety regulations and rules of the job, safety * operation rules; understand the specific use methods of the protective equipment, utensils and tools of the job; understand the accidents and accidents that occurred in the job lesson.

14. What is protective grounding and zero connection?

Answer: Protective grounding is to prevent the risk of electric shock due to insulation damage. The metal part that may present a dangerous voltage to ground in the case of a fault is closely connected to the ground, which is called protective grounding. Zero connection is to connect the metal part shell or frame of the electrical equipment with insulated live parts to the neutral line in the neutral grounding system.

15. Erection requirements for temporary wires?

Answer: The height from the ground is not less than 2.5 meters indoors, not less than 3 meters outdoor, and not less than 5 meters across the road; the insulation of the wires * must be good; the wires must not contact the pipelines and equipment that are flammable, explosive, high temperature and humidity; Wrap or temporarily distribute power distribution sockets with insulating tape.

16. What is flash point? What is Randian?

Answer: All vapors of flammable liquids and flammable liquids can cause flashover when exposed to an open flame. The temperature value at this time is called the flash point. The temperature at which a substance begins to catch fire is called the ignition point.

17. What are the main causes of fires in electrical wiring?

Answer: Short circuit between wires; improper installation of the fuse; overload; no contact at the contact or connection * The resistance is too large, and the wire is hot.

18. What are the reasons for mechanical injuries?

Answer: The mechanical equipment does not meet the safety requirements; the protection is not adequate during the use, and there are no protective facilities; the safety * operation regulations are not perfect and the safety * education is not enough.

19. When there is a fire in the electrical field at the construction site, the power supply should be cut off first, using sand, carbon dioxide, dry powder fire extinguishers, and water and foam fire extinguishers are not allowed.

20. For the injured who stopped breathing and heartbeat in an industrial accident, the rescue success rate is the highest in 5 minutes.

21. It is a good time to extinguish a fire within 5 to 7 minutes of a building fire. After this time, try to escape from the fire scene.

22. If the employing unit forces the worker to take risky operations in violation of the regulations, and a major casualty accident occurs, causing serious consequences, the person responsible shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.

23. The ampere * current allowed by the human body is 9 mA for males and 6 mA for females. When the current is 50 mA, it will endanger people's lives and is called lethal current.

24. The National Fire Protection Day is November 9.

25. An * color classification and its meaning: red: prohibition sign; blue: instruction sign; * color: warning sign; green: prompt sign.

26. If the electric shock person is seriously injured, breathing stops or the heart stops beating, try artificial respiration and chest compression.

27. When using a fire extinguisher to extinguish a fire, spray at the root of the flame.

28. Any work carried out at a height where the fall height is 2 meters or more above the base level is likely to be called a height operation.

29. The scope of safety * production includes personal safety * and equipment safety *.

30. The "four-full" principle of An * production management includes full staff, full process, full position and full day.

31. When working at heights, tools * must be placed in a portable tool box or tool bag.

32. The state stipulates that the weight of a safety cap should not exceed 400 grams.

33. If the "D" mark is marked on the safety cap, it means that the safety cap has insulation properties.

34. The correct hanging buckle of the belt should be high hanging and low use.

35. Where there are two or more layers (including two layers) of operators, working in the same vertical body at the same time, such operations that are prone to be hit by objects are called cross operations.

36. The "three treasures" on the construction site are An * hat, An * belt, and An * net.

37. An * voltage value: 36, 24, 12 volts.

38. An * voltage power supply: it is powered by a specific power supply, including an independent power supply and an an * isolation transformer (consisting of two relatively independent coils installed on the same iron core). Autotransformers, voltage dividers and semiconductor devices cannot be used as voltage power supplies.

39. Rescue points on the scene of electric shock: quickly disconnect from the power supply; accurately implement the treatment (artificial respiration and chest compression); rescue in situ; treatment must be carried through to the end.

40. The types of security inspections are: daily security inspections, regular security inspections, security inspections, seasonal security inspections, post-holiday security inspections, and irregular security inspections.

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