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Steel structure grid: hoisting method of color profiled steel plate
Release time:2020-04-03 16:09:57      The number of clicks:447

During the construction of the steel grid project, the most commonly used maintenance system is the color profiled steel plate. If the color profiled steel plate is improperly operated during the lifting process, the color profiled steel plate will be easily bent and deformed, causing unnecessary losses. The manufacturer of the structural grid will join us to understand the correct lifting method of the color profiled steel plate:

There are many lifting methods for color profiled steel plates, such as car crane lifting, tower crane lifting, hoisting crane lifting and manual lifting.

The lifting methods of tower cranes and truck cranes mostly use hoisting steel beams for multi-point lifting. This hoisting method can lift multiple boards at a time, but often in large-area projects, the lifted boards are not easy to be sent to the installation point, the long-distance manual transportation of the roof, walking on the roof is difficult, it is easy to damage the installed color board, cannot Take advantage of the large lifting capacity of large lifting cranes, low utilization rate and high mechanical cost. But the lifting is convenient, and the lifted plate is not easy to be damaged.

The hoisting machine lifting method, because this method does not need large machinery, the equipment can be flexibly moved to the place where it needs to be installed, so it is convenient and low in price. This method has a small amount of lifting each time, but the roof haul distance is short, which is a frequently used method.

Another method is the artificial lifting method using the steel wire sliding method. This method is to set a number of steel wires at the gable of the building, set a casing on the steel wire, place a colored profiled steel plate on the steel pipe, and use a rope for roof workers Pull the steel pipe along the steel wire to lift the color steel plate to the roof, and then manually transport it to the installation site. This lifting method is suitable for the color steel plate material with relatively long size. Because the operation is slow, it is recommended to use it when the number is small.

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