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Key components of steel structure grid
Release time:2020-04-03 16:32:09      The number of clicks:446

In the steel structure grid project, the node of the grid is the most critical component. Whether the grid can be promoted and applied depends mainly on the type of node used.

The most commonly used nodes in China are welded * hollow ball nodes and bolt ball nodes. Although other nodes such as plates have been accepted in the specification, they are not used much in actual projects; intersecting nodes are not suitable in the grid frame and are suitable for Triangle space truss. Thousands of grids of various types have been built in China, and there are many typical grid projects worth mentioning. Representative projects in industrial plants, hangars, waiting halls, stations, etc. include: Turnouts of Zhengzhou Railway Bureau Engineering Machinery Factory The workshop, the gymnasium of Zhongshan Branch of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, the gymnasium of Luoshan County of Henan Xinyang, the gymnasium of Henan University of Technology, Shenzhen Bendakang Cable Group, etc. are all more successful steel structure grid projects, and have promoted China ’s steel to a certain extent. Technical progress in structural grid projects.

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