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Fabrication and inspection of steel structure grid members

The steel structure grid member is one of the main grid fittings used in the grid construction project. After the grid construction project is completed, the rod member is to be inspected. Lets take a …

Key components of steel structure grid

In the steel structure grid project, the node of the grid is the most critical component. Whether the grid can be promoted and applied depends mainly on the type of node used.The most commonly used nod…

Steel structure grid: hoisting method of color profiled steel plate

During the construction of the steel grid project, the most commonly used maintenance system is the color profiled steel plate. If the color profiled steel plate is improperly operated during the lifti…

Large space for development of steel-framed factory buildings

The steel-framed factory building with steel structure is known as a "green factory". The steel-structured factory building system has the advantages of light weight, easy installation, short…

Fire protection measures for steel structure

Steel has the advantages of high strength and good ductility, which determines that the steel structure has the characteristics of light weight, good seismic performance, and large bearing capacity. At…

How to judge the quality of steel

The specific production capacity of a business can be seen from the condition of a business mans factory, just like some people can be seen from a few things. I think this is the so-called "smell …

Eight main points of steel structure design

Steel structure is usually used in the structure of high-rise, large-span, complex shape, heavy load or crane lifting, large vibration, high temperature workshop, high tightness requirements, movable o…

Elements of the installation process of steel grid

In recent years, the steel grid has become the most popular building material. Because of the quality, structural and installation of steel grids, steel grids are used everywhere. Today, the editor wil…

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