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Current position:Home - Case - Industrial construction
Chuzhou Urban Domestic Waste Incineration Power Generation Project Grid Project
Release time:2020-04-03 15:30:33      The number of clicks:311

Project Name: Chuzhou City Municipal Solid Waste Incineration and Power Generation Project Grid and Steel Structure Project.

Project Overview: This project is composed of the main workshop (composed of unloading hall, garbage storage pit, boiler room, slag bin, flue gas purification, comprehensive workshop and main transformer room, etc.), the main workshop annex (steam room) and other monomer networks Frame and steel structure, in which the unloading hall, garbage bin and steam room are reinforced concrete structure, steel structure roof, partial color steel plate wall maintenance structure, boiler room and flue gas purification room are steel lattice column structure and grid Roof, color steel plate wall structure.

Cases of interest
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