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Current position:Home - Case - Industrial construction
Coking Coal Yard Shed Environmental Protection Project of Hesteel Chenggang Ironmaking Division
Release time:2020-04-10 10:21:35      The number of clicks:361

The project is a cylindrical latticed shell with square pyramid bolts and spherical joints, upper chord support, double span, length of 380m, two deformation joints, divided into three construction areas, one area is 1-15 axis, two areas It is 16-27 axis, the third zone is 28-42 axis, of which 1-7 axis span is 90.6m + 67.99m, 8-20 axis span is 90.6m + 107m, 21-42 axis span is 78.9m + 107m. The ground elevation is -1,000 m, the A-axis support spherical center elevation is + 6.9m, the B-axis support spherical center elevation is 14.1m, and the C-axis support spherical center elevation is + 3.000m. The A-B axis vector height of the grid is 37.353m, the total height is 42.85m, the B-C axis vector height is 41.328m, and the total height is 47.128m.

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