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Current position:Home - Case - Industrial construction
Shanxi Hongan Coking Technology Co., Ltd. coal yard closed shed grid project
Release time:2020-04-10 10:22:59      The number of clicks:376

 The engineering grid is divided into two spans, the span one is 59.25m, the length is 318m, is divided into two grids by the deformation joint, the grid one is 1-20 axis intersecting A ~ B axis, the grid two is 21 ~ 40 axis intersects A ~ B axis, the structure type is the bolt ball node is placed square pyramid cone net frame, the A axis is the lower chord support, the support ball is the bolt ball, the B axis is the upper chord support, the support ball is the bolt ball. The span two is 134.25m and the length is 318m. It is divided into two grids by the deformation joint. The grid one is 1-20 axis intersecting the C-D axis, and the grid two is 21-40 axis intersecting the C-D axis. The structure type It is a quadrilateral cone-shaped trellis grid with mixed joints of bolt ball and welding ball. The C axis is the upper chord support, the support ball is the welding ball, the D axis is the lower chord support, and the support ball is the welding ball. The spacing of the grid support is 8m, the ground elevation is ± 0.000, the bottom elevation of the A and D axis supports is 2.1m, and the bottom elevation of the B and C axis supports is 8.45m.

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