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Current position:Home - Case - Industrial construction
Steel Structure Engineering of the Closed Reconstruction Project of the Laigang Iron and Steel Plant
Release time:2020-04-02 10:30:32      The number of clicks:372

Laiwu Iron and Steel Group Yinshan Section Steel Co., Ltd. steelmaking plant 400㎡ and 265㎡ sintering machine raw material plant closed renovation project project, the main structural type of this project is a space pipe truss structure system, pipe and pipe intersecting nodes. B1 is divided into east and west areas. The main truss span (inner chord bearing spacing) is 141 meters and the length is 515 meters. A total of 30 main truss. B4 is divided into West, Central and East. The span of West and Central is 152 meters with a total of 27 main trusses. The span of East is 112 meters with a total of 7 main trusses with a total length of 565 meters and the gable main trusses are four tubes Truss, the middle truss is a right triangle truss.

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