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Current position:Home - Case - Industrial construction
Tianjin Rongcheng Group Tangshan Special Steel Co., Ltd. South yard closure project grid project
Release time:2020-04-23 20:10:43      The number of clicks:348

The structure of the project is a four-sided cone-shaped trellis net with bolted ball joints, supported on the perimeter of the upper chord. The support adopts two-way fixed support. The span between the supports is 69.4m. The distance between 16 ~ 18 axis bearings is 8.9m, the distance between 3 ~ 16 axis bearings is 8.8m, the total length is 150m, and 1, 18 axis is gable. The ground elevation of the project is -0.200m, the ground elevation in the stockyard is ± 0.000m, the base elevation of the support is + 3.000m, and the top elevation of the grid is + 23.940m.


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